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So, what does your Religion actually do?


This is a fair question, and today I shall, to the best of my abilities, endeavor to answer it.

Let me begin by saying that I am not entirely sure that it is fair to call our Order a religion, at least not in the commonly and traditionally accepted sense of the word. We have neither chapters nor meetinghouses, neither pastors nor missionaries, we neither preach nor do we evangelize. In none of these things does The Order of the Black Rose operate as do the more mainline entities such as The Zhellic Ecclesiarchy or Alissma, for example. These things are the domain of those such organizations. We are not here to punish your sins, nor to save your eternal soul.


That brings us back around to the original question: What do we do?


To put it simply, it is our job to ensure that the dying die gracefully, and with dignity. It is our job to ensure that the newly dead are treated honorably, and given their funeral rites with all due speed and integrity. It is our job to see that the long dead are respected and that their rest goes undisturbed. All else we leave to the Theologians and the scholars, to the Priests and the Anchorites, to the Monks in their Monasteries and the Nuns in their Cloisters. 

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